River Cities Cup - Friendly with Derby City

The "Friendly" is a club vs club competition which typically is played in a Points-Spiel format.  Our teams will be paired up against teams from the other club.  Points are awarded for the Win/Tie, each end won and score differential in the game.  i.e. 10 points for a win (5 for a tie), 1 point for every end won (0.5 points for a blank end) and a quarter point (0.25) for each 1 rock differential in the game score to a max of 2 points.

The points are tabulated after the first game and matchups are based on those points (best v best etc).

These Friendly competitions are intended to be fun and a great way to meet people from other clubs and other cities  in a one-day format.  All the other stadard curling rules apply, including sitting down together after the game.  Often there is a lunch served between games.

Event Properties

Event Date 04-13-2024 10:00 am
Event End Date 04-13-2024 5:00 pm
Cut off date 04-10-2024 8:00 pm
Capacity 12
Registered 12
Available place 0
Price $25.00
Location Cincinnati Curling Club

Sorry, the event is now full and we could not accept more registration

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Contact Info

Ice Location

Link to Map:

5150 Duff Drive
West Chester, OH 45246


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About The Club

With our own ice, we are excited to grow the sport of curling to unprecedented levels in the Greater Cincinnati Area.